Fast ForWord

Research-based English language and reading development software based on 30 years of neuroscience research that results in life-long gains for all students.
Fast ForWord® is an adaptive, on-line English language and reading development tool that uses the principles of neuroplasticity to make fast, permanent changes to your child's brain - which will make reading and learning (in all subjects) much easier.
Fast ForWord helps children pay attention longer, process information faster, and comprehend what they're reading. Many parents see results in their child in as little as 8 weeks.

Dr. Michael Merzenich

Dr. William Jenkins

Dr. Paula Tallal

Dr. Steven Miller
Fast ForWord is an evidence-based, adaptive reading and language program that delivers 1-2 years gain in 40-60 hours of use for any struggling learner. Schools choose Fast ForWord because our unique brain-based approach targets the root causes of reading difficulty to deliver lasting results that make better readers and lifelong learners.
Fast ForWord has been used by over 3 million students in over 40 countries since 1998.
Fast ForWord delivers students much more intensive exercises. The patented Fast ForWord technology creates unique programs that rapidly impact a child’s ability to read and learn.

Memory: Memory is essential for word recognition, comprehension of complex sentences, and remembering instructions. Fast ForWord enhances working memory, short and long-term memory.

Attention is essential to focus on information and tasks, and ignore distractions. Fast ForWord is designed to improve both attention and focus.

Processing Rate is the speed at which we can discriminate images and speech sounds and identify letter and word forms to create meaning. Fast ForWord increases the speed at which the brain processes information.

Sequencing is placing the detail of information in order. For reading, sequencing is the ability to determine the order of letters within words or words within sentences. This is a skill that relies on memory, attention and processing speed and is essential for phonics, word fluency, reading and oral comprehension.
Fast ForWord’s language & cognitive enhancement programs accelerate learning and reading. They are based on over 30 years of neuroscience research, designed for home users, education institutions, English language learning centres, and clinical specialists worldwide.
Fast ForWord is an effective tool for students who have:
▪️ English as a Second Language
▪️ Struggling readers
▪️ Dyslexia
▪️ Auditory processing and language processing disorders
▪️ Working memory weakness
▪️ Autism spectrum disorders
Fast ForWord simultaneously develops fundamental cognitive (thinking) skills and reading skills. Together, these skills improve learning and reading ability.
Reading Skills
✔️ Phonemic (sound) awareness
✔️ Decoding (sounding out unfamiliar words)
✔️ Syntax (sentence structure)
✔️ Spelling
✔️ Vocabulary
✔️ Grammar
✔️ Reading fluency
✔️ Comprehension
Thinking Skills
Students who do Fast ForWord exercises develop and strengthen these four fundamental cognitive skills. When developed together, improve learning and reading. After participating in Fast ForWord students are better able to follow instructions, concentrate and participate in classroom discussions. They improve their reading, spelling and comprehension and find they enjoy school more. Their self- confidence increases which can lead to better behaviour and sociability.
Different learner types and intervention levels have different needs. Fast ForWord offers a personalized and differentiated pathway for each learner to maximize achievement potential.
Fast ForWord is suitable for students grade K-12+
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Standford University; Rutgers University; Dartmouth College; Harvard Medical School
fMRI shows that physiological differences in children with dyslexia can be alleviated through remediation
8 weeks of remediation that focused on improved rapid auditory processing and phonological and linguistic training (Fast ForWord) resulted in the children with dyslexia developing differentiated activation to rapid and slow transitions similar to that of children with typical development.
Through independent research from Stanford in 2003 and Harvard in 2007, we are able to see Fast ForWord create physical brain change as it builds new synapses and strengthens the neural pathways, specifically in the areas of reading.
Fast ForWord works for children from 4 years of age through to adolescents and adults.
? Fast ForWord benefits everyone
Children and adults, because it improves their learning capacity.
? Students wanting to achieve to their potential
Any student who wants to improve their academic performance will gain from the Fast ForWord exercises
? Struggling Readers and Learners
Fast ForWord can be life changing for students and adults who struggle to learn and read.
? Learning English as a Second Language
Fast ForWord accelerates English language acquisition for those learning English.
? Recognized Diagnoses
Fast ForWord can assist those with diagnosed conditions such as Dyslexia, Auditory Processing Disorder,
Attention Problems, Autism Spectrum Disorders as well as behavioural problems arising
Fast ForWord can be utilised by individuals at home, our centre, and schools.
Our specialist support and implementation team can quickly have your child using the programs, even in the most remote parts of Bangkok or Thailand.
Students do the Fast ForWord exercises 30 minutes per day until the exercises are completed.
Many schools across Thailand also use the program.