Did you know that kids spend 45% of a typical school day listening, and 85% of their knowledge should be gained through listening?
If you feel like you're constantly repeating information for your child (they aren't attending), if your child can be described as "spacy" or unfocused, if your child has trouble sitting still in school - these are just a few of the common descriptors we hear from parents of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Your child may be at-risk of falling behind in school. Let’s work to turn that risk around!
Many children who have trouble with focus and attention don't process information efficiently, which is an impediment to accurate listening and reading. Fast ForWord’s reading intervention program builds processing skills, which in turn improves attention.
After using Fast ForWord, students can:
- Pay attention longer. Children can complete homework with less help.
- Follow multi-step directions. Can follow along if you ask them, "Pick up your shoes, grab your jacket, and meet me in the car."
- Read better and understand more. This helps your child not only in reading, but can give your child the tools to succeed in all subjects at school.
Fast ForWord research for attention, ADD and ADHD
A random control study by Courtney Stevens at the University of Oregon found that children who used Fast ForWord showed improvements in the neural mechanisms of selective auditory attention.
The study focuses on three groups: language impaired (SLI) students using the intervention, typically developing students using the intervention, and a control group of typically developing students not using the intervention.
Methodology and measures
Twenty children received Fast ForWord computer training, including 8 with SLI and 12 with typically developing language. An additional 13 children with typically developing language received no specialised training. Before and after training, children completed standardised language assessments and an event-related potential (ERP) measure of selective auditory attention. Relative to the control group, children receiving training showed increases in standardised measures of receptive language, as well as larger increases in the effects of attention on neural processing. phonemic decoding ability.
These findings indicate that the neural mechanisms of selective auditory attention can be remediated through training and can accompany improvements on standardised measures of language.
Fast ForWord stands alone in its research foundation and results. More than 250 research studies prove that Fast ForWord can build the foundational language and cognitive skills that so many students with special needs, struggling readers and English Language Learners need to succeed. After Fast ForWord, students can improve their language and reading skills by up to two grade levels in as little as three months, simultaneously boosting performance across all areas of study. And research has shown that these gains endure over time.
To learn more about the incredible brain training benefits of Fast ForWord,
Please contact us today at 02-656-9938-9
Services are also available online.