Our Online Guided Reading Tool for Improving Vocabulary, Fluency, Comprehension, and Prosody
☑️ Provides Guided Reading Support to More Students: ClearFluency uses patented speech recognition technology to deliver real-time corrective guided reading feedback, enabling learners to self-correct as they are reading aloud.
☑️ Improves Both Silent Reading and Oral Reading Skills: Unlike other digital reading practice resources that only allow learners to record themselves reading aloud, ClearFluency actually listens and helps learners whenever they struggle or mispronounce a word — it's like having a personal guided reading tutor available 24/7!
☑️ Saves Teachers Time: Automatic calculation of words correct per minute (WCPM), and actionable comprehension and vocabulary reports make it easy for teachers to track learners’ reading levels, and specific areas of strength and weakness.
☑️ Pre-teaches Academic Vocabulary: Built-in Word Wall activities pre-teach academic vocabulary, activate prior knowledge, and provide pronunciations for new words before learners begin each e-book passage.
☑️ Reaches the Reluctant Reader: ClearFluency provides reading selections for a variety of interests and reading levels, plus frequent comprehension checks, to keep learners motivated and focused on reading for meaning.

Track student's reading's performance.

Clearly shows time spent on exercise.

Students practice comprehension skills
Reading Assistant Plus can be utilised by individuals at home, our centre, and schools.
Our specialist support and implementation team can quickly have your child using the programs, even in the most remote parts of Bangkok or Thailand.
Students do the Reading Assistant Plus exercises 30 minutes per day until the exercises are completed.
Many Schools across Thailand also use the program.
The Reading Assistant Plus program from Scientific Learning Corp. was named a winner in the 30th annual Awards of Excellence by Tech & Learning magazine. The online reading program was selected by a panel of educators who tested and evaluated more than 160 education technology products in the prestigious recognition program.
The Reading Assistant Plus program from Scientific Learning Corp. was named a winner in the 30th annual Awards of Excellence by Tech & Learning magazine. The online reading program was selected by a panel of educators who tested and evaluated more than 160 education technology products in the prestigious recognition program.

The results found in this study demonstrate that using the Reading Assistant product to enrich reading instruction with guided oral reading practice can help students increase their reading fluency.
Use of the Reading Assistant strengthens foundational reading skills, better positioning students to partake in the classroom curriculum.
Students achieved significant gains in reading fluency.

After using Reading Assistant Expanded Edition software for guided oral reading practice, the students in this study gained an average of 9 months in reading level within a 6 month period.
The results found in this study support other studies demonstrating that using Scientific Learning products results in the strengthening of foundational reading skills, better positioning students to partake in the classroom curriculum.

The results found in this study indicate that students can exceed expected gains in reading skills by using the Reading Assistant software, especially if they complete a large number of selections at the Proficient or Developing performance levels.